BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210202T000000Z DTEND:20210202T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nJapanes e corporations and Japanese American communities have a long and complex h istory that weaves together stories of immigration\, industrial expansion\ , and the building of neighborhoods\, businesses\, and banks. With a focus on Los Angeles\, this two part program brings together speakers that repr esent a broad spectrum of Japanese corporations in the U.S. and Japanese A merican communities to discuss the past\, present\, and future relationshi ps of these two groups.\n\nThis first part will focus on the history of Ja panese corporations in the U.S. and their relationships to the Japanese Am erican community leading to the present day.\n\n<em>Presentation</em>:\n<s trong>Lon Kurashige</strong>\, Professor\, University of Southern Californ ia\n<em>Featured speakers</em>:\n<strong>Thomas Iino</strong>\, Founding C hairman of USJC\; Board member\, JACCC\, JANM\, Keiro\, First Choice Bank\ n<strong>Yuko Kaifu</strong>\, President\, Japan House (Los Angeles)\n<str ong>Chris Komai</strong>\, Communications Writer\, JANM\n<em>Moderator</em >:\n<strong>Frank Buckley</strong>\, Anchor\, KTLA 5 Morning News\n\nThis program will be in English with simultaneous translation into Japanese.\n\ n<strong><a href=" mp\;txobjid=abeeba07-b2aa-4205-bd12-600be6a2be6f" target="_blank">RSVP NOW </a></strong>\n<strong><a href=" ickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=abeeba07-b2aa-4205-bd12-600be6a2be6f" target="_b lank"></a></strong>\n<em>Building and Bridging is co-presented by The Cons ulate General of Japan in Los Angeles &amp\; Japan Business Association of Southern California</em>\n\nImage credit: Japanese American National Muse um (Gift of Hiro Hishiki\, 98.266) DTSTAMP:20240601T182730Z SUMMARY:Building &amp\; Bridging (Part I): Bridging Japanese American and J apanese Corporations URL:/en/events/2021/02/02/building-amp-bridging-part-i-bridging-japanes/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR