BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220721T000000Z DTEND:20220721T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The JCCCW (or the ‘J’) is honored to work with artists Kenj i Hamai Stoll and Erin Shigaki on the upcoming installation of the “We T he Ancestors” mural — a public art piece that celebrates the historic legacy and the rich culture of the “J” community in the Pacific Northw est. Funded in part by the National Academy of Design / Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Trust Fund for Mural Painting in the United States\, the mural i s scheduled to be installed and unveiled later this month!\n\nTo commemora te this wonderful project\, the ‘J’ would like to extend an open invit ation to everyone in the community to attend our outdoor Mural Celebration Event on Thursday\, July 21st from 3:30pm - 5:00pm next to the completed mural\, which will be visible from Rainier Avenue. You’ll have the oppor tunity to meet the artists Kenji and Erin\, and learn more about the meani ng behind the mural’s design with the community. Refreshments will be av ailable\, as well as mural merchandise like shirts!\n\nPlease join us in c elebrating these artists and their tribute to the “J” community.\n\nLe arn More:\n e-jcccw-honored-by-public-mural-project DTSTAMP:20240602T112956Z SUMMARY:“We The Ancestors” — JCCCW Welcomes Mural Project with a Comm unity Celebration URL:/en/events/2022/07/21/we-the-ancestors-jcccw-welcomes-mural-project/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR