BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20071001T000000Z DTEND:20071231T000000Z DESCRIPTION:You are invited..... \n\n<strong>Tsukimi Kai Dos Photo Exhibit \n"Nikkei Reflections: Continuing the Connection with the Nikkei Cuban Co mmunity" </strong>\nOct. 1 - Dec. 31\, 2007 \nNational Japanese American H istorical Society (NJAHS)Gallery\n1684 Post St. in San Francisco Japantown \n415-921-5007 \n\n* * * * * \n\nThe fantastic Tsukimi Kai Dos trip to Cub a brought a group of U.S. Nisei\, Sansei\, Yonsei (second\, third and four th generation Japanese and Okinawans) and friends to Cuban Nikkei communit ies in Havana\, on La Isla de la Juventud and the fishing village of Surgi dero de Batabano. We arrived in Cuba on Christmas Eve\, 2006 and stayed f or three weeks. Together with our Nikkei Cuban friends\, we welcomed 2007 by celebrating Oshogatsu (Japanese New Year) with food\, Japanese and Oki nawan dance\, taido drumming\, origami and daruma making and the Okinawan Lion (Shiisaa) dance. \n\nTsukimi Kai is an intergenerational group of pre dominately Nikkei artists\, performers\, educators\, and scholars that sha re a goal: to explore and celebrate the parallel histories of Japanese Cu bans and Japanese Americans. We wish to reach across boundaries of history and politics to exchange\, through art and dialogue\, stories of our migr ations from Japan and our adaptations to a new land. Central to this exch ange is the performance of music\, dance and ceremonies that link both com munities with our common heritage. The first Tsukimi Kai trip brought 19 U.S. Nikkei and friends to Cuba to celebrate Obon in 2005. \n\nThe word "t sukimi" suggests the circumstance of people divided by distance yet apprec iating the beauty of the same bright moon. Through our exchange\, Japanes e Americans and Japanese Cubans will forge better understanding of our div ergent paths and shared culture. Hope you can join us! \n\n<strong>* * * * SPECIAL RECEPTION * * * * </strong>\nSaturday\, December 15\, 2007 \n2: 00 - 5:00 pm \n\nNational Japanese American Historical Society (NJAHS) Gal lery \n1684 Post St.\, San Francisco Japantown \n415-921-5007 \n\nProgram starts at 2:30 pm: \n<ul>\n* Premier of Tsukimi Kai Dos Video \n* Presenta tions on Nikkei Participation in the Cuban Revolution and Race & Identity in Cuba \n* Report Back about Disaster Response Conference in Cuba by Barb ara Morita of Tsukimi Kai \n* Photo and DVD sales\; Refreshments \n</ul>\n All photos in the exhibit and many more from the Tsukimi Kai Dos trip are available for purchase. \nDonations are welcome to support the photo exhib it\, video documentary\, oral history interviews and educational programs. \n\nPlease make your tax-deductible donation checks payable to "NJAHS" an d notate "Tsukimi Kai on the memo line. \n\nYou can mail donations to: \nTsukimi Kai\nc/o 1154 Hopkins Street\nBerkeley CA 94702 \n\nFor more inf ormation contact: \n<a></a>\n510/524-3531 \n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T003202Z SUMMARY:Tsukimi Kai Dos Photo Exhibit : "Nikkei Reflections: Continuing t he Connection with the Nikkei Cuban Community" URL:/en/events/2007/10/01/tsukimi-kai-dos-photo-exhibit---nikkei-reflection s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR