BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050807T000000Z DTEND:20050807T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A casual get-together will be held on August 7 from 12 noon to 2 pm\, to bring together Nisei veterans who served in the Japanese imperia l forces and veterans of the renowned US Military Intelligence Service (MI S) during World War II. This informal event will be held in commemoration of the 60th anniversary marking the end of the Pacific War. \n\nThe tide o f war brings with it atrocities and hardships for all who are involved\, a nd the Pacific War was of no exception. This is particularly true for Nise i who lived during this era. It is little known that scores of Nisei who r esided in Japan during the Pacific War were drafted into the Japanese impe rial forces and forced to fight against their homeland. A similar piece of Nisei history was\, until just recently\, shrouded in a veil of obscurity . The Nisei who proudly served in the US Military Intelligence Service (MI S) are only rather recently being acknowledged for their relentless effort s throughout the Pacific theatre. \n\nThis is the best opportunity to hear these unknown stories. Please join us!! (Need RSVP)\n?\n DATE: August 7\ , 2005 (Sunday)\n TIME: 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm\n LOCATION: Miyako Hotel 2nd floor banquet room \n 328 East 1st Street Los Angeles\, CA 90012 \n FEE: $10 (lunch included)\n\nIf you need more information and/or RSVP \, please contact \nCedrick Shimo at <a></a> \n or\nHirosh i Kadoike at <a></a>.\n\n\n*NHK will be taking footage of t his event for a national broadcast currently scheduled for August 15 in Ja pan and the U.S. Other members of the media are also expected to be in att endance. DTSTAMP:20240603T142939Z SUMMARY:The Gathering for MIS & Nisei who served in Japanese Military\, Los Angeles\, August 7\, 2005 from 12 noon. URL:/en/events/2005/08/07/the-gathering-for-mis--nisei-who-served-in-japane s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR