


2010年3月25日 - 2011年4月8日

日系高齢者介護は、日本語を話す一世の祖母にとっては正しい選択でしたが、二世の母もそうするでしょうか。独立した生活の喜びと煩わしさを捨てる覚悟ができたとき、私は何を選ぶでしょうか。これらの疑問が、西海岸の日系高齢者介護の将来に関するこの 4 部構成のシリーズを思いついたきっかけです。9 つの異なる組織が、ますます同化、多様化、分散化する日系コミュニティにサービスを提供するという課題にどのように取り組んでいるか、続きをお読みください。


Thumbnail for Part IV: Seattle’s Nikkei Concerns
Part IV: Seattle’s Nikkei Concerns

2011年4月8日 • ナンシー・マツモト

Having surveyed the landscape of Nikkei long-term care choices in Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Sacramento and San Jose, I turned my attentions to Seattle, the last stop on my reporting tour. Although Japanese immigrants began arriving in Seattle in the late 19th-century, its Nihonmachi population has always been small compared to cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles. At its peak, there were 8,500 members, according to Preservation Seattle magazine, and that number dwindled during the Depression. After …

Thumbnail for Part III-2: Multicultural centers in Sacramento and Los Angeles
Part III-2: Multicultural centers in Sacramento and Los Angeles

2010年9月21日 • ナンシー・マツモト

>> Part III-1Although it does not specialize in Nikkei senior housing or offer a nutrition program, Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC) is worth examining in the context of embracing an increasingly multi-cultural viewpoint and offering services that match. LTSC Executive Director Bill Watanabe explains that the 30-year-old non-profit began when Little Tokyo was populated mostly by Issei, Japanese nationals, and war brides. The goal was to provide linguistic and culturally sensitive  social services to this community and, initially, to …

Thumbnail for Part III-1: Multicultural centers in Sacramento and Los Angeles
Part III-1: Multicultural centers in Sacramento and Los Angeles

2010年9月14日 • ナンシー・マツモト

West Coast Nikkei eldercare organizations are preparing for a time in the not-too-distant future when Nikkei alone will no longer fill their programs and beds. This was the universal message I heard from the seven organizations I surveyed. Yet at the same time, I sensed a desire to hold on to the Japanese cultural identity that is at the core of organizations such as Keiro Senior HealthCare in Los Angeles and Kimochi, Inc. in San Francisco. We California Nikkei, especially the …

Thumbnail for Part II-2:  Nikkei Eldercare in San Francisco and San Jose
Part II-2: Nikkei Eldercare in San Francisco and San Jose

2010年4月30日 • ナンシー・マツモト

>> Part II-1For those in need of a more intensive level of care than what Kimochi provides, Bay Area seniors can go to Kokoro, a nearby non-profit assisted-living complex that opened in 2003. The facility grew out of a 13-year-long effort by a consortium of church groups, and is headed by a volunteer board of directors, a staff of 27 full-time and 20 part-time employees, and a corps of 25 volunteers, some of whom are old enough to be residents. …

Thumbnail for Part II-1: Nikkei Eldercare in San Francisco and San Jose
Part II-1: Nikkei Eldercare in San Francisco and San Jose

2010年4月27日 • ナンシー・マツモト

In 1971, a group of San Francisco Sansei began providing Issei seniors with rides and pedestrian escorts to and from their homes, as well as help with government health benefits applications. The non-profit multi-service care organization Kimochi Inc., located in San Francisco’s Japantown, grew out of these early efforts. Around the same time, Japanese American student activists from San Jose State University and UC Berkley began organizing support systems for elderly Issei, focusing on health fairs in San Jose and …

Thumbnail for Part I - Nikkei Eldercare in Los Angeles
Part I - Nikkei Eldercare in Los Angeles

2010年3月25日 • ナンシー・マツモト

My mother is in some ways a typical Southern California Nisei. She has participated in organized Nikkei ballroom dance, camera club, and widow’s groups. She plays marathon card games regularly with a group of Nisei friends, and travels the world on organized Japanese-American tours. A lot of her time also seems to be taken up arranging club dinners or luncheons, or the entertainment and door prizes that are an expected feature of these events. Although my mother is healthy and …

ニッケイのストーリーを募集しています! 世界に広がるニッケイ人のストーリーを集めたこのジャーナルへ、コラムやエッセイ、フィクション、詩など投稿してください。 詳細はこちら
サイトのリニューアル ディスカバー・ニッケイウェブサイトがリニューアルされます。近日公開予定の新しい機能などリニューアルに関する最新情報をご覧ください。 詳細はこちら

ナンシー・マツモトは、アグロエコロジー(生態学的農業)、飲食、アート、日本文化や日系米国文化を専門とするフリーランスライター・編集者。『ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル』、『タイム』、『ピープル』、『グローブ・アンド・メール』、NPR(米国公共ラジオ放送)のブログ『ザ・ソルト』、『TheAtlantic.com』、Denshoによるオンライン『Encyclopedia of the Japanese American Incarceration』などに寄稿している。2022年5月に著書『Exploring the World of Japanese Craft Sake: Rice, Water, Earth』が刊行された。祖母の短歌集の英訳版、『By the Shore of Lake Michigan』がUCLAのアジア系アメリカ研究出版から刊行予定。ツイッターインスタグラム: @nancymatsumoto

(2022年8月 更新)