Heritage Lounge Speaker Series at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

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Jul 20056
7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC)


Heritage Lounge Speaker Series with Mr. Nori “Harry” Yoshida

Imagine yourself, if you will, as a fourteen year old Nisei travelling to Japan with your parents to further your education in 1934. Then, a few years later, as war clouds loom over the Pacific, seeing your mother leave on the last boat to Vancouver and being trapped in Japan with your father. Imagine as well, at the age of eighteen, being photographed in the uniform of a seaman of the Imperial Japanese Navy and being shipped off to see action aboard the heavy cruiser Maya in: Guadacanal, Solomon Islands, Kiska Island, Rabauf, Saipan and the Gulf of Leyte while surviving several sinkings.

The JCCC Heritage Committee invites you to hear the extraordinary life of Harry Yoshida and his family. Born in Chemainus, British Columbia in 1924, his life experiences are the stuff of Hollywood movies.

Admission is free and light refreshments will be available. Please RSVP at the JCCC 416-441-2345 or jccc@jccc.on.ca

Admission: Free



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JCCC . Atualizado em Jan 18, 2023 2:18 p.m.

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