JASC Holiday Delight, Chicago, IL, USA

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Community Event

Dez 20053
10:30a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Japanese American Service Committee
4427 N. Clark Street
Chicago, Illinois
United States

JASC Holiday Delight & Kodomo Matsuri/Children's Festival
(Please see below for other Holiday ways to support the JASC)

Taiko Performances by Tsukasa Kids
Children's Activities and. . . meet Santa Claus!

Japanese Food & Other Refreshments
Silent Auction
Unique Holiday Shopping

Visit your favorite vendors and meet new ones!

Shinsen J.C., Inc.
Kimono Designs
Accentric Gifts & Frames
Happy Shirts
Barbara Kato's Stationery
Pat Matsui's Art
George Suyeoka's Children's Books
Tampopo Club's Handmade Crafts
Shanghimama Designs
Paper Origins
Koi Krazy
and many more!

Japanese American Service Committee
4427 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640

Or visit www.jasc-chicago.org

MasterCard or Visa can be used to purchase JASC Dollars,
good for purchases throughout Holiday Delight and Kodomo Matsuri

You can also support the JASC by:

* Shopping at www.iGive.com

Shop on-line at the Mall at iGive.com and a percentage of every purchase
goes to the JASC.

* Giving a JASC Membership as a gift

Give the gift that benefits both the giver & the receiver. A JASC
Membership opens the door to the Nikkei community and is tax-deductible to
the donor. Just visit: http://www.jasc-chicago.org/MemForm.pdf (&
remember to renew yourself.)
Happy Holidays!

Japanese American Service Committee
4427 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60640
773.275.7212 - Social Services
773.275.0097 - Cultural & Community Programs
773.275.0958 - Fax


D_Burns . Atualizado em Jul 09, 2010 12:11 p.m.


Dezembro 2005


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