Hinamatsuri - Girl's Day

  • en
Community Event

Mar 20123 Mar 20124
12:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

Japanese American Museum of San Jose
535 N. Fifth Street
San Jose, California, 95112
United States

The Japanese Doll Festival  (Hinamatsuri), or Girls' Day, is a festival celebrated by families who have girls, wishing their daughters good health and growth. Traditionally, beautiful dolls representing the emperor, empress, attendants, and musicians were handcrafted especially for the occasion. The custom of displaying dolls began during the Heian period, when people believed the dolls possessed the power to contain bad spirits.

Come bring you children to the special Girl's Day celebration at JAMsj. There will be doll exhibits and wonderful craft projects for both boys and girls.

Saturday, March 3 rd only : Complimentary crafts for kids will be held in the Community Room, 2 nd Floor
March 3 and 4 special doll collection on display, including some crocheted in the Amachi Internment Camp during the early 1940's

Museum members and their family are free.
General Admission: Adults $5, Seniors (65 and older with vaild ID) $3, Children under 12 free.


JAMsj . Atualizado em Nov 03, 2022 10:42 a.m.


Março 2012


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