EXHIBITION: On Being Michiko

  • en

Mai 201229 Jun 201222

John B. Aird Gallery
900 Bay Street,
Macdonald Block
Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1C2

The John B. Aird Gallery presents, ON BEING MICHIKO: A SANSEI ARTISTS JOURNEY, an exhibition of artworks by Lillian Michiko Blakey.

The artist asks the question "Who am I?" This is a question asked by all people whose roots are in two cultures. Even though she was not born until the end of World War II and her parents were both born in Canada she inherited the shame of all Japanese Canadians who were caught in the  dilemma of being both Japanese and Canadian.  Like many sansei, third generation Japanese Canadians, Michiko grew up denying her cultural heritage, my first language and my people. The artist explores this history in her work.



vkm . Atualizado em Jun 13, 2012 6:33 p.m.

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