Speakers Series: Nikkei Fishermen on the BC Coast

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Out 20124

Nikkei Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5E 4M7

By Masako & Stanley Fukawa

Admission: Free

A talk based on two acclaimed publications: Nikkei Fishermen on the BC Coast, Their Biographies and Photographs (Honorable Mention by the BC Historical Federation for historical writing in 2007) and Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet: BC’s Japanese Canadian Fishermen (2010 Canada-Japan Literary Award, 2nd place in the B.C. Historical Federation for historical writing in 2009 and a finalist for the Bill Duthie Booksellers’ Choice Award 2009).



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NNMCC . Atualizado em Ago 25, 2012 4:20 p.m.

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