Little Tokyo 2015 Calendar!

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Set 20141 Dez 201431

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“Nisei Week Japanese Festival:  75 Years in Little Tokyo” -- the Little Tokyo Historical Society’s (LTHS) 2015 calendar is now on sale throughout Little Tokyo.  The Calendar Committee of the all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, selected the 75th Anniversary of Nisei Week Japanese Festival as the calendar theme of the 2015 edition.   Vintage photographs of yesteryear Nisei Weeks are featured.  Calendars are available at Little Tokyo Service Center front desk, Japanese American National Museum store, Bunkado, Little Tokyo Koban/Visitor Center, Rafu Bussan, and Kinokuniya bookstore.  Online orders can be made at

The calendar is LTHS’ annual fundraiser that supports the mission of researching and discovering the historical resources, stories and connections of sites, buildings and events related to Little Tokyo as an ethnic heritage neighborhood.  LTHS has been active in promoting the 130th Anniversary of Little Tokyo (1884-2014) throughout 2014 with special programs.

For information about LTHS, please contact Michael Okamura, president, at


lthistory . Atualizado em Ago 18, 2014 8:20 a.m.


Setembro 2014


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