Nikkei Uncovered III: a poetry reading

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Performing Arts

Set 202215
6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.



Join us for our third annual virtual poetry reading with a powerful lineup of poets previously featured in Discover Nikkei’s Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column, hosted by traci kato-kiriyama (author of Navigating With(out) Instruments). This year, the poets were chosen to reflect on the theme of gathering. What does it mean to gather in a time of physical and social separation? How can poetry bring us together? Featured poets, Sawako NakayasuEmily Mitamura, and Amy Uyematsu will explore these ideas and more in an evening of readings and conversation.

Watch the 2020 Nikkei Uncovered poetry reading

Watch the 2021 Nikkei Uncovered poetry reading


JANM . Atualizado em Ago 23, 2022 12:37 p.m.


Setembro 2022


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