Premiere Screening and Q&A—We Said No! No!

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Film & Other Media

Out 202215
2:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

$20 general, $10 member


Join JANM for the world premiere of the new award-winning documentary film, We Said No! No!, by director Brian Maeda. The film combines interviews with Japanese Americans and their family members who were once derisively referred to as “No No Boys.” The film features archival footage and dramatic reenactments of incidents in the Tule Lake Segregation Center. A Q&A with the cast and crew will follow the screening.

About the film: 

We Said No! No! is a story of civil disobedience set against the backdrop of World War II and the controversial incarceration of thousands of “disloyal” Japanese Americans in the most notorious of all the Japanese concentration camps, Tule Lake. It was there that the Japanese Americans who refused to say “yes” to the infamous Loyalty Questionnaire were imprisoned and labeled the “No, No’s.” We Said No! No! follows a group of dissidents deemed disloyal as they fight for their freedom, their dignity and their families in an America that had forsaken them.


JANM . Atualizado em Set 09, 2022 2:47 p.m.


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