BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130223T000000Z DTEND:20130223T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>A Special Forum by the Smithsonian Asian Pacific Americ an Center:&nbsp\;</strong><strong>The Life and Legacy of Senator Daniel In ouye (1924-2012)</strong>\n<em></em>\n<em>Free and open to the public.</em >\n<em></em>\n\nSenator Daniel Inouye\, a highly decorated American WWII c ombat veteran\, an eight term United States Senator\, and the President pr o tempore of the United States Senate from 2010 until his death in 2012\, was the most powerful Asian American politician in U.S. history. &nbsp\;As the Senate&rsquo\;s President pro tempore\, he was third in line in the s uccession for the U.S. Presidency.\n\nSenator Inouye&rsquo\;s accomplishme nts were both extraordinary and historic for a man who\, as a Japanese Ame rican during World War II\, was classified as an &ldquo\;enemy alien&rdquo \; by the U.S. government and denied basic civil rights held by all Americ ans at the time.&nbsp\; His journey from &ldquo\;enemy alien&rdquo\; to wa r hero to President pro tempore\, his advocacy for civil rights\, the U.S. military\, Native Hawaiians\, American Indians\, the people of Hawaii and others\, and his work in the Senate all form a legacy that will remain al ive for generations.\n\nSenator Inouye&rsquo\;s life and place in American history is an opportunity to understand the arc of the Asian American exp erience over the past 100 years.&nbsp\; The Smithsonian Asian Pacific Amer ican Center is proud to host a special forum to discuss the life and legac y of Senator Daniel Inouye\, a man of our time.\n\n<strong>Forum Speakers: </strong>\n<ul><li>Colleen Hanabusa\, Congresswoman (D-HI 1st District)</l i><li>Terry Shima\, 442nd RCT veteran</li><li>Antonio Taguba\, Retired Arm y Major General</li><li>Tuyet Duong\, Senior Advisor for the White House I nitiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders</li></ul>\n\n<strong>Mo derator:</strong>\n<ul><li>Kathy Park\, ABC 7 and NewsChannel 8 anchor</li ></ul>\n\n<em><strong>The program opens with a performance by the Aloha Bo ys.</strong></em>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Closest Metro:</strong>&nbsp \;L&rsquo\;Enfant Plaza&nbsp\;and Federal Center\n\n&nbsp\;For more info: <a href="" target="_blank">apa</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T202719Z SUMMARY:2013 Day of Remembrance at the Smithsonian URL:/en/events/2013/02/23/2013-day-of-remembrance-at-the-smithsonian/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR