BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140823T000000Z DTEND:20140823T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="color: #ff0000\;">********** ****\n<strong>English workshop will be held as scheduled\, but&nbs p\;Japanese workshop has been cancelled.</strong>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n*** *********** &nbsp\;\n\nWhat&rsquo\;s in a name?&nbsp \;\n\nDiscover Nikkei is launching a new writing series called &ldquo\;<a href="/en/journal/chronicles/name/" target="_blank"><strong>Nikkei Names: Taro\, John\, Juan\, Jo&atilde\;o?</strong></a>&rdquo\; to explore what yo ur name says about you\, and the origins of Nikkei names.&nbsp\;\n\nIn con junction with this series\, we are offering&nbsp\;<strong>FREE one-time wr iting workshops</strong> in multiple cities and countries to encourage sub missions to <em>Nikkei Names</em>. These workshops are designed to help st udents of all writing levels develop a point of view\, characters\, and a narrative voice to tell their stories about their names.&nbsp\;This can in clude family names\, given names\, and even nicknames!&nbsp\;\n\nPlease jo in us at our workshops and share your stories about your name on DiscoverN! &nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Date: Saturday\, August 23\, 2014</strong>&n bsp\;\n\n<strong>Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon</strong> (Registration starts at 9:30 a.m.)&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Location: Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute</strong>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Instructor for Englis h: &nbsp\;Patricia Wakida&nbsp\;</strong>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\nPatricia Wakida i s a writer\, artist and community historian currently based in Los Angeles \, CA. She is the editor of two publications on the Japanese American expe rience\,&nbsp\;<em>Only What We Could Carry: The Japanese American Internm ent Experience\,&nbsp\;</em>and<em>&nbsp\;Unfinished Message: the collecte d works of Toshio Mori</em>\, and has worked in the publishing industry fo r almost twenty years. She is the editor of a forthcoming book on Los Ange les entitled <em>LAtitudes: An Angelenos' Atlas</em>\, and is currently wr iting a biography of City Lights bookstore co-owner and bohemian Nisei\, S higeyoshi Murao.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Instructor for Japanese: &nbsp\;Yukikaz u Nagashima</strong>&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Enrollment limit: &nbsp\;20 people< /strong>&nbsp\;\n\nTo guarantee a workshop space\, please RSVP by emailing us at <a href="">Editor@DiscoverNIkkei.or g</a> and include your name and contact information.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Bri ng:</strong> &nbsp\;\n Paper and pencils will be provided\, but you are we lcome to bring your own writing tools. Most importantly\, participants are expected to bring an enthusiasm for experimenting with voice and form\, a nd a willingness to explore the theme of <em>Nikkei Names </em>for on-line publication at the Discover Nikkei webpage.\n\n<em>* This program is co-s ponsored &amp\; co-hosted by the Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institut e.</em>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n<em>\n</em>\n<strong>For workshops in other locatio ns\, please check as follow:</strong>&nbsp\;\n\nWorkshops in English\n\n<u l><li><a href="/events/2014/09/28/4662/" target="_blank"><strong>Anaheim\, CA: Sunday\, September 28</strong></a>&nbsp\;\nat Orange County Buddhist Church &nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/events/2014/07/26/4644/" target="_ blank"><strong>Burnaby\, BC: Saturday July 26</strong></a>&nbsp\;\nat Nikk ei National Museum &amp\; Cultural Centre&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><st rong><a href="/en/events/2014/07/19/4608/" target="_blank">Chicago\, IL: S aturday\, July 19</a>&nbsp\;</strong>&nbsp\; \nat Church of Christ Presbyt erian &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/en/events/2014/06/28/4607/" target="_blank"><strong>Los Angeles\, CA: &nbsp\;Saturday\, June 28</stron g></a><strong>&nbsp\;</strong>&nbsp\;\nat National Center for the Preserva tion of Democracy&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/events/2014/09/21 /4619/" target="_blank"><strong>San Jose\, CA: Sunday\, September 21</stro ng></a>&nbsp\;\n at Japanese American Museum of San Jose&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li ><li><a href="/en/events/2014/09/20/4620/" target="_blank"><strong>Seattle \, WA: Saturday\, September 20</strong></a>&nbsp\;\n at Wing Luke Museum o f the Asian Pacific American Experience&nbsp\;</li></ul>\n\nWorkshops in o ther languages\n\n<ul><li><a href="/ja/events/2014/08/23/4646/" target="_b lank"><strong>Gardena\, CA: &nbsp\;Saturday\, August 23</strong></a> (Japa nese &amp\; English)&nbsp\;\nat Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li><li><strong><a href="/es/events/2014/07/05/4676/ " target="_blank">Lima\, Peru: Saturday\, July 5</a></strong> (Spanish)\na t Centro Cultural Peruano Japon&eacute\;s&nbsp\;</li><li><strong><a href=" /es/events/2014/08/16/4677/" target="_blank">Lima\, Peru: Saturday\, Augus t 16</a></strong> (Spanish)\nat Centro Cultural Peruano Japon&eacute\;s&nb sp\;</li><li>S&atilde\;o Paulo\, Brazil: TBA &nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li></ul> DTSTAMP:20240602T065416Z SUMMARY:Gardena - FREE Writing Workshop (English &amp\; Japanese) - Nikkei Names: Taro\, John\, Juan\, João? URL:/en/events/2014/08/23/gardena-free-writing-workshop-english-amp-jap/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR