BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200521T000000Z DTEND:20200521T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Discover Nikkei&rsquo\;s <em><a href="/journal/series/nikkei-un covered/" target="_blank"><strong>Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column</stron g></a></em>&nbsp\;shares poems each month from the Nikkei community around themes curated by author\, poet\, and performer traci kato-kiriyama.&nbsp \;\n\nNow\,&nbsp\;<em>Nikkei Uncovered</em>&nbsp\;is going live! We have b rought together a powerful\, intergenerational lineup of poets previously featured in the column to share their poetry in an online reading. Hosted by traci\, the interactive reading and reflection will also include a shor t open mic portion\, where viewers will be able to sign up during the prog ram to share their poetry.&nbsp\;\n\nFeaturing <strong><a href="/en/journa l/2017/8/17/encircle-in-Dance/" target="_blank">Maiya Kuida-Osumi</a></str ong>\, <strong><a href="/en/journal/2020/3/19/nikkei-uncovered-40/" target ="_blank">Courtney Ozaki</a></strong>\, <strong><a href="/en/journal/2019/ 3/21/nikkei-uncovered-28/" target="_blank">Micah Tasaka</a></strong>\, and <strong><a href="/en/journal/2019/2/21/nikkei-uncovered-27/" target="_bla nk">Mitsuye Yamada</a></strong>. The live reading will begin on May 21 at 6 p.m. (PDT).\n\n<strong>This program is FREE\, but RSVPs are required usi ng the link below. </strong><strong>You will be emailed 24 hours before th e program with instructions on how to join this Zoom webinar.</strong>&nbs p\;\n\n<strong><a href=" ab=2&amp\;txobjid=31ce3892-30af-4ac5-8445-f5889b968737" target="_blank">RS VP NOW</a></strong>\n\nPlease contact&nbsp\;<a href="mailto:publicprograms" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;if you have a ny additional questions. DTSTAMP:20240602T110933Z SUMMARY:Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry reading URL:/en/events/2020/05/21/nikkei-uncovered-a-poetry-reading/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR