BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221203T000000Z DTEND:20221203T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Saturday\, December 3\, 2022 • 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (P ST)\n</strong><span style="font-weight: normal\;">(Optional post-program c hat with chefs: 4:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.)\n\n<strong>Saturday\, December 3</stro ng>\n  ● 3 p.m. (Los Angeles / Seattle / Vancouver)\n  ● 5 p.m. ( Mexico City / Chicago)\n  ● 6 p.m. (Lima / New York / Toronto)\n  ●  8 p.m. (São Paulo)\n\n<strong>Sunday\, December 4\n</strong>  ● 8 a .m. (Tokyo)\n  ● 10 a.m. (Sydney)\n\n[Language: English\, Español\, P ortuguês]\n\nJoin us for a conversation with noted Nikkei chefs—<strong >Niki Nakayama</strong> of n/naka (Los Angeles\, CA\, US)\, <strong>Telma Shiraishi</strong> of Restaurante Aizomê (São Paulo\, Brazil)\, and <str ong>Roger Arakaki</strong> of Sushi Ito (Lima\, Peru). The program will be moderated by <strong><a href="/en/journal/author/asakawa-gil/" target="_b lank">Gil Asakawa</a></strong>\, author of the recently published book\, < em>Tabemasho! Let’s Eat!: A Tasty History of Japanese Food in America</e m>. <strong>Carole Iida-Nakayama</strong><em>\, </em>co-owner and sous che f of n/naka and n/soto\, will also be joining us for the program.\n\nThe c hefs will discuss their cultural backgrounds and how it has influenced the ir culinary styles\, their thoughts on “Nikkei food\,” and more! They will also answer questions from the audience. Following the program\, ther e will be an optional opportunity to chat informally with the chefs in bre akout rooms.\n\n<a href=" #chefs" target="_blank">For more information &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n\nThis progra m will be presented via Zoom with simultaneous translation in English\, Sp anish\, and Portuguese. Registration will be required. There is a capacit y limit\, so register now!\n\n<strong><a href=" m/r/nikkei-chefs" target="_blank">REGISTER NOW!</a></strong>\n\n<em>*This program is sponsored by The Nippon Foundation and is presented in partners hip with the <a href="" target="_blank">Japanese Americ an Cultural &amp\; Community Center</a>\, <a href="https://www.jcibrasilj" target="_blank">JCI Brasil-Japão</a>\, and <a href="https: //" target="_blank">Asociación Peruano Japonesa</a>. Addit ional support is provided by <a href=" iripro" target="_blank">Onigiri Producciones</a>.</em> DTSTAMP:20240609T053904Z SUMMARY:Combining Culinary Cultures: A Conversation with Nikkei Chefs from Los Angeles\, São Paulo\, and Lima URL:/en/events/2022/12/03/combining-culinary-cultures-a-conversation-with-n / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR