BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221210T000000Z DTEND:20221210T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nDive in to the new online exhibition\, <em>Wakaji Matsumoto—An Artist in Two Wo rlds: Los Angeles and Hiroshima\, 1917–1944</em>\, with a conversation a bout the historic significance of Wakaji’s work and the story behind the collection. Curator <strong>Dennis Reed</strong> and project liaison < strong>Karen Matsumoto</strong>\, Wakaji’s granddaughter\, will be joine d by <strong>Masami Nishimoto</strong>\, writer for the <em>Chugoku Shim bun</em>\, and others involved with highlighting Matsumoto’s work to del ve deeper into his photographs and legacy.\n\n<em>This program will be pre sented simultaneously in both English and Japanese on Zoom. Please indicat e your language preference in your registration.</em>\n\n<em><a href="http ://\;txobjid=ba8557c9-d9 b3-4b03-b956-0d1f896f2a0e">RSVP NOW</a></em>\n\nABOUT THE EXHIBITION:\n<em >Wakaji Matsumoto—An Artist in Two Worlds: Los Angeles and Hiroshima\, 1 917–1944</em> highlights an artist’s rare photographs of the Japanese American community in Los Angeles prior to World War II and of urban life in Hiroshima prior to the 1945 atomic bombing of the city.\n\nThis online exhibition also features essays by Karen Matsumoto\, Wakaji’s granddaug hter\, and Dennis Reed\, the curator of the exhibition\, a timeline\, phot o galleries\, short documentary videos produced by JANM’s award-winning Watase Media Arts Center\, and educational resources.\n\nWakaji Matsumoto was born to Wakamatsu and Haru (née Motoyama) Matsumoto on July 17\,1889\ , in Jigozen\, Hatsukaichi-shi\, Hiroshima Prefecture\, Japan. He traveled from Japan by way of Canada before reaching the US to work on his father ’s farm. Although he worked in the fields and drove produce to Los Angel es\, he really aspired to become a graphic artist. Luckily\, Wakamatsu tau ght Wakaji’s wife\, Tei\, to run the farm\, allowing Wakaji to become a professional photographer in Los Angeles\, and then in Hiroshima after his return to Japan. He was seventy-six years old when he died in Jigozen in 1965. Tei continued to live in the family home and was 101 years old when she died in 1995. Wakaji’s photographs remained undisturbed until 2008 w hen they were discovered by the Matsumotos’ grandson\, Hitoshi Ohuchi\, himself a photographer. Upon recognizing their value and significance\, he arranged for them to be placed with the Hiroshima City Archives. DTSTAMP:20240603T083616Z SUMMARY:The Story of Wakaji Matsumoto: An Artist in Two Worlds URL:/en/events/2022/12/10/the-story-of-wakaji-matsumoto-an-artist-in-two-wo / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR