BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20061013T000000Z DTEND:20061014T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On October 13th and 14th\, the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California (JCCCNC) will host the ASIAN AMERICANS ON BR OADWAY: OPENING DOORS concert. The 90-minute concert will be held at the Brava Theater\, San Francisco\, with a pre-show VIP reception and auction for VIP ticket holders on the first night. \n\nThis concert performance is the return of the "Salute to the Stars" performers from last year's gal a event which honored the lifetime achievements of some of the greatest Ja panese American performers to grace the silver screen and Broadway stage. This New York produced 90-minute concert will feature Broadway's biggest hits over the years with personal anecdotes from the performers on how the se songs have influenced or inspired them on their path to success in thea ter. These talented Asian Americans are traveling from New York exclusive ly for this JCCCNC production. \n\nTickets are now on sale online at Ticke t Web at <a href=""></a>. Single tickets are $50 and $30. Group discount tickets are available for groups of 15 or more. VIP tickets are only available for the Friday show and al so include a pre-show reception with the performers. The Friday performan ce will also include a pre-show silent auction featuring autographed memor abilia from the performers. For more information\, or to purchase VIP tic kets or group discount tickets\, please call JCCCNC at 415.567.5505. DTSTAMP:20240603T003045Z SUMMARY:Asian Americans on Broadway: Opening Doors URL:/en/events/2006/10/13/asian-americans-on-broadway-opening-doors/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR