Descubra Nikkei

Shigueru Julio Tsuha


Shigueru Julio Tsuha é estudante de graduação na Universidade da Califórnia, Riverside, no departamento de Sociologia. Atualmente, ele está trabalhando em sua dissertação sobre a formação da comunidade e da identidade dos japoneses peruanos no sul da Califórnia.

Atualizado em maio de 2007

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for A Short History of Japanese Latin American Internment and the Fight for Full Redress
A Short History of Japanese Latin American Internment and the Fight for Full Redress

22 de Outubro de 2008 • Shigueru Julio Tsuha

With Japan’s era of isolation ending with the Tokugawa Shogunate in the late 1800’s, its era of diaspora began. During the Meiji restoration, changes in Japanese state policies such as increased taxes and mandatory military service, along with the need to escape economic hardships forced many people to emigrate. The most notorious destinations were across the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii and the Pacific U.S. region. However, with emerging anti-Japanese racism, anti-immigrant policies such as the Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907 forced …

Thumbnail for Of Goodbyes and Invisibilities
Of Goodbyes and Invisibilities

22 de Outubro de 2008 • Shigueru Julio Tsuha

What do you hate most about this world? Posed this question, you are undoubtedly thinking of forces that have most deeply disrupted and disturbed your life and that of those around you. Disease, poverty, violence, all sure quickly bubble up from the depths of your memories and highlight the pages of the story that is your life when you think about the answer to this question. Needless to say, such an answer will vary with every individual, and even within …

Thumbnail for Growing up as a Japanese person in Peru
Growing up as a Japanese person in Peru

24 de Maio de 2007 • Shigueru Julio Tsuha

It is difficult to remember exactly what it was like to be Japanese in Peru. My ethnicity mattered a lot, and at the same time, it feels like it did not. While this may be contradicting, I do not see it as logically problematic. I have taught many classes on race, ethnicity and racism, and it is always amazing to hear students of color talk about the absence of racism in their experiences growing up. However, as these courses progress, …

Thumbnail for The Issei Legacy: Passing the Values of the Issei onto Younger Generations
Loja on-line do Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano
The Issei Legacy: Passing the Values of the Issei onto Younger Generations

2 de Maio de 2007 • Shigueru Julio Tsuha

Cherishing the values of the first generation of Japanese migrants to the United States of America, Tsukasa Matsueda, Ed.D. writes a compelling book that is simultaneously an honoring of the Issei and a message to younger generations. Dr. Matsueda honors the Issei by recounting their history of struggle in the U.S.; He recapitulates the episodes of racism that they faced as they first took their part in U.S. society as cheap labor and then as a fictitious military threat during …

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