Descubra Nikkei

JATO Contos de Aomori

4 de Abril de 2007 - 28 de Dezembro de 2007

Esta coluna foi contribuída por Allison Reed, professora assistente de idiomas do segundo ano do programa JET (Intercâmbio e Ensino de Japonês) na província de Aomori.

Stories from this series

Thumbnail for If You Fingerprint Me, Will You Accept Me?
If You Fingerprint Me, Will You Accept Me?

28 de Dezembro de 2007 • Allison Reed

As the year draws to a close and the bonenkai (end of year party) season comes into full swing, I find myself reflecting on what it means to be a foreigner. Just a few weeks ago, on November 20th, Japan implemented a new immigration procedure that requires all foreigners entering the country to provide their picture and fingerprints. Only special permanent residents (i.e. third generation Koreans), foreigners under the age of sixteen, and diplomats/officials will be exempt. I will be …

Thumbnail for Oily Smile
Oily Smile

21 de Setembro de 2007 • Allison Reed

“What’s that word in English again? You know, when you try and make excuses for something or you try and defend something …” I’m sure many of us have moments where we can’t recall a certain word; those moments have become alarmingly frequent for me since coming to Japan. Whenever I talk to my friends it’s like having to play the game Taboo where you want a teammate to guess the word you are describing but you can only use …

Thumbnail for Banging those drums and making friends!
Banging those drums and making friends!

20 de Julho de 2007 • Allison Reed

It’s August fourth, 2006, two o’clock in the afternoon. My friend’s mother is wrapping my torso with a white cloth called a sarashi. Breathing and sitting become a bit more difficult as she uses all her strength to make it as tight as possible; perhaps sarashi means corset in Japanese. But it’s worth it, when she’s done it looks very kakko ii (cool, flash, stylin’). Next, I make my hair as big as possible using hairspray as if I was …

Thumbnail for Space is the norm
Space is the norm

22 de Junho de 2007 • Allison Reed

My friends from Tokyo came to visit me in Aomori last summer, and the first thing they said was, “Wow, I feel like I’m back in California!” I was a bit confused because I’m from California and I definitely did not have that reaction when I arrived in Aomori. My first reaction to Aomori was, “Wow, there’s nothing but rice fields!” I’ve heard there are rice fields in California, but I’ve never seen them. So I couldn’t understand what my …

Thumbnail for The Unspoken Language
The Unspoken Language

25 de Maio de 2007 • Allison Reed

In the twenty years JET has been in existence, more than 46,000 young college graduates have passed through this beautiful land of Japan. Some come to learn about a new culture, some come looking to add experience to their resume, while others just come because they aren’t quite sure what they want to do and want to experience a bit of excitement before they have to decide. I decided to embark on this journey because I had fallen in love …

Thumbnail for California girl discovers life in the blue forest
California girl discovers life in the blue forest

4 de Abril de 2007 • Allison Reed

“I’m turning Japanese, I think I’m turning Japanese.” I’m a Caucasian American from California, but for the last year and a half these classic 80s lyrics from the song “Turning Japanese” by the Vapors have been my theme song. Since July 2005, I have been living in Aomori (northern Japan), the land of the oh-so-delicious Fuji apples. A five-minute walk from my house will put you in the middle of rice fields, and on the way you’ll meet no one …

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Author in This Series

Allison Reed é professora assistente de idiomas do segundo ano do programa JET e mora e leciona na cidade de Goshogawara, na província de Aomori, na região de Tohoku, no Japão. Ela ensina inglês em cinco escolas primárias e duas escolas secundárias em toda a região. Allison se formou na Soka University of America em maio de 2005 com bacharelado em artes liberais e concentração em ciências sociais e comportamentais. Ela gosta de morar em Aomori e planeja prolongar sua estadia no Japão por mais alguns anos.

Atualizado em 4 de abril de 2007

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