Descubra Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Banco de Dados da Experiência Militar Nipo-Americana

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Shiyo "Sho" Doiwchi

Birth date
Local de nascimento
Los Angeles CA, U.S.A.
, Denver CO
Tipo de alistamento
Ramo das Forças Armadas
Tipo de serviço
Tipo de Unidade
Unidades onde serviu
522nd Field Artillery Battalion
Military specialty
Italy, France and Germany
Ft. McArthur CA
Unit responsibility
Artillery support for 442nd Infantry Regiment.
Personal responsibility
I was the gunner on the 105 mm Howitzer Gun, 2nd in command of the 3rd Section.
Major battles (if served in a war zone)
Rome-Arno, France, Italy border, Voges Mountain, Germany
Living conditions
I slept outdoors most of the time and bathed in the rivers. I ate C and K Rations.
Most vivid memory of military experience
I remember feeding the starving children, leaving most of the rations and leftovers.
Missed most whilst in the military
I missed the good food.
Most important thing, personally, to come from military experience?
War is hell for everyone.
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