Discover Nikkei

How Title IX Changed Her Life

In 1972, when Title IX was passed—and this is the 50th anniversary of Title IX—the University of Hawaii had no women’s athletic teams. There was no girls high school basketball league in Hawaii. I grew up playing basketball at least through high school. I even played on the US military women’s team because back then there were not enough U.S. military women, so they let dependents play. So I played on the US military women's team also, so I played a lot of basketball in high school.

I came to the University of Hawaii. They had the first intercollegiate women’s basketball team. I tried out, I made the team, and after having paid nonresident tuition, I was given a scholarship and I had no idea why. And I learned it was because of Title IX and I learned it was because of this Japanese-American woman, the first woman of color to serve in the United States Congress who advocated for Title IX, major sponsor and really advocated especially for the continuation of athletics, to be included in Title IX.

And so that really impacted me, you know, personally. But basketball became a really, really important part of my life because I was playing basketball for the University of Hawaii. And thanks to basketball and Title IX, I got a scholarship.

basketball Hawaii Honolulu Oahu Patsy Takemoto Mink sports Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 United States United States Representative universities University of Hawaii at Mānoa

Date: July 14, 2022

Location: California, US

Interviewer: Lana Kobayashi

Contributed by: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum; Japanese American Bar Association

Interviewee Bio

Sabrina Shizue McKenna was born on October 7, 1957, in Tokyo, Japan, to a Japanese mother and an American father. Being half-Japanese, McKenna struggled with feeling either “too Japanese” or “too white.” Justice McKenna’s life was drastically impacted in 1972, when Title IX was passed. Title IX allowed McKenna to receive a scholarship to attend the University of Hawaii and play basketball. During her time at the university, she came to terms with her sexuality.

McKenna believes her sexual orientation might have altered her career path. After graduating from law school and working for law firms, McKenna became a law professor. Instead of running for government office, she became a judge. However, McKenna’s path to becoming a judge was not a smooth one. It wasn’t until 2011 that she was appointed to her current position as the Justice of the Supreme Court of Hawaii. Justice McKenna's story shows that members of the LGBTQ community can have successful and meaningful lives. (October 2022)


*This is one of the main projects completed by The Nikkei Community Internship (NCI) Program intern each summer, which the Japanese American Bar Association and the Japanese American National Museum have co-hosted.

George Kazuharu Naganuma
Naganuma,George Kazuharu

Playing basketball in the army

(b. 1938) Japanese Peruvian incarcerated in Crystal City
