Stories Connect Us All Online Storytelling Festival

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Performing Arts

8:00a.m. - 10:00p.m.

The Stories Connect Us All Online Storytelling Festival is an innovative event that you can attend in the comfort of your home. Watch and listen to professional storytellers share personal stories that bridge racial, ethnic, and religious divides and increase cultural understanding. A new story is posted every half hour.

8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. CST

This free Facebook event is open to the public but if you have a Facebook account you can log in, ask questions, post comments, share resources, and join the world-wide conversation. 

Japanese-American storytellers include Anne Shimojima, Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo, Alton Takiyama-Chung, Motoko Dworkin, and Linda Yemoto, telling stories of the incarceration camps of World War II, the sting of racism and sexual harassment, and learning how culturla awareness can lead to greater understanding. Their stories will be featured Oct. 11, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. CST

Last year 50,000 people in 16 countries watched the storytellers. This year our themes are Asian-American, Black/African American, First Nations, Latino/Hispanic, White/European, Valuing Different Religions, Multicultural Families, Going Abroad, and Standing Together.

Please join us!


ashimojima . 更新日 2013年9月14日




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