JANM Digital Film Festival: Our Man in Tokyo Q & A

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Film & Other Media

6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.


Discover the behind the scenes experience of developing and creating the documentary, Our Man in Tokyo (The Ballad of Shin Miyata), in this live Q&A with Shin Miyata himself, director Akira Boch, and featured musicians Martha Gonzalez of Quetzal and David Gomez, on Friday, May 15 at 6 p.m. (PDT).

The short film explores the struggles and obsessions of Shin Miyata, a Tokyo-based record label owner and promoter who specializes in the difficult task of distributing Chicano music in Japan. His goal of bringing authentic and diverse representations of Chicano and Latinx culture to Japan and his purity of intention that hasn’t brought him financial gain, but has instead delivered a wealth of understanding that has educated, enlightened, and changed the lives of many people.

Following a facilitated discussion, the audience will have the chance to ask Boch and Miyata questions they may have about Chicanx music in Japan, the origins of their creative partnership, and much more.

Be sure to watch the film first on JANM’s YouTube channel, then join us for the Q&A which will be streamed live on JANM’s YouTube channel on Friday, May 15, from 6 p.m.–7 p.m. (PDT).

WATCH THE FILM (Also available with Japanese and Spanish subtitles)


Submit questions in advance using this form. Participants will be able to chat and ask additional questions live (you will need to be logged in to YouTube to participate in the chat).

Learn more about the film in this 2018 JANM blog post by director Akira Boch.


JANM . 更新日 2020年5月11日




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