Vancouver 27th Annual Wreck Beach Butoh Performances

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Performing Arts

2021年7月24 2021年7月25

Wreck Beach
UBC Museum of Anthropology
Vancouver, British Columbia

27th Annual Wreck Beach Butoh Performances

Saturday, July 24th at 12pm and Sunday, July 25th at 12:45pm at Wreck Beach (foot of #4 Trail below UBC Museum of Anthropology) on Vancouver's largest stage with costumes, set, lighting, and sound by Mother Nature.

10 dancers including Barbara Bourget, Jay Hirabayashi and Salome Nieto, who all performed in the first 1995 edition of Wreck Beach Butoh.

See more photos and read more background in articles by Stir and the Georgia Straight.

To get to the performances, park at the UBC Rose Garden Parkade (6278 NW Marine Drive V6T 1Z1). Google Maps directions are here. To find the #4 Trail from the UBC Rose Garden Parkade, cross NW Marine Drive and walk west until you get to the UBC Museum of Anthropology. Take the path on the west side of the Museum past the long houses. From the Parkade it about a 5-minute walk to the top of the #4 Trail where you will find an outhouse (there are no outhouses at the beach). The trail has about 360 stair steps. The performances take place to the west of the foot of the #4 Trail. Wreck Beach is clothing optional. The weather will be sunny and warm this year!

No video or photography allowed. Donations gratefully accepted. Donate now to keep us performing on Wreck Beach!

Annually recreated, there is no other performance in the world like Kokoro Dance's Wreck Beach Butoh.

Take a walk with us on the wild side! We hope to see you there.


Masaji . 更新日 2021年7月23日




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