Chicago Marathon Japan Cheering Section!

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Out 20119

Eugenie St. and Sedgwick St
Chicago, Illinois
United States

Chicago Marathon Japan Cheering Section!
This year, the Bank of America Chicago Marathon and the brand new Osaka Marathon are starting a sister marathon relationship. To commemorate this event, the Osaka Committee of Chicago Sister Cities International will be hosting a Japan Cheering section at the corner of Eugenie St. and Sedgwick St.. We hope to see you bright and early on Sunday October 9th at 7:30 am!

For more information please contact:
Chicago Sister Cities International (312.744.1379)
City of Osaka, Chicago Office (312.946.5600)
Phone contact on the day of cheering: Akari Rokumoto (312.320.6835)



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intrepidmouse . Atualizado em Out 07, 2011 2:20 p.m.


Outubro 2011


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