Matsutake Outing

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Community Event

Out 201115

Zig Zag, Oregon
United States

October 14-15, 2011
Event fees: $15 for daytrip, $45 for overnight (per person)
For current and new Friends of Oregon Nikkei Endowment only
Download the matsutake flyer

Join us on a field trip to hunt and gather Matsutake mushrooms on Mt. Hood. This outing is for either novice or experienced matsutake hunters and is open to Friends of Oregon Nikkei Endowment.

The mushroom hunting is scheduled for Saturday, October 15, with an overnight option for Friday, October 14. Our annual matsutake trip is a great chance to walk in the woods, learn about mushrooms and hopefully be lucky enough to find matsutake.

The event fee will include a guided matsutake hunt led by local experts from the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. For the overnight option, the fee also includes dinner on Friday and breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Lodging is not included in the fee.

Space is limited, so please call 503-224-1458 if you are interested in receiving updates or reserving a spot. Download the matsutake flyer to learn more.



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Oregon_Nikkei . Atualizado em Set 15, 2011 9:49 p.m.


Outubro 2011


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