JCCCNC Battle of the Orgs

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Community Event

Jun 201224

Gunn High School
780 Arastradero Road
Palo Alto, California, 94304
United States

(immediately following the track meet)
Join us in our first ever BATTLE OF THE ORGS!  Win bragging rights for one year and compete against other non-profit organizations in a dizzy bat race, three-legged race, potato sack race and 50 meter dash in zoris (flip-flops)!  Your team will consist of four participants and every participant will receive a JCCCNC Track t-shirt. 

Location: Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto, California 
Fees:$40 per team

More info: Download flyer
How do I sign up?
Call us at 415-567-5505, email programsevents@jcccnc.org.

For more information, please visit jcccnc.org.


llan . Atualizado em Jun 22, 2012 7:22 a.m.


Junho 2012


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