Descubra Nikkei

Anna Katharina Schulz

Anna Katharina Schulz nasceu em Mönchengladbach, Alemanha, em 22 de setembro de 1986. Ela estuda línguas e literatura alemã e inglesa na Universidade de Wuppertal. Ela está muito interessada em ler livros sobre outros países, culturas e tradições.

Atualizado em outubro de 2010

Stories from This Author

De uma aula de literatura nipo-americana em uma universidade alemã
A short insight into the conflicts in John Okada’s No-No Boy

20 de Outubro de 2010 • Anna Katharina Schulz

While attending the University of Wuppertal in Germany, I took a course where I learned about the history and development of Japanese Americans in the United States, from their first experiences with Americans and their reasons for moving to a new country, to their inconceivable experience during the Second World War, after Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. During the course, we reviewed many stories and books written by Japanese American writers, which provided interesting but alarming and thought-provoking insights into Japanese …

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