Descubra Nikkei

Tim Yamamura

Ex-redator da equipe do Nichi Bei Times e atual membro do conselho da Fundação Nichi Bei, Yamamura é dramaturgo, escritor de não ficção e acadêmico trabalhando em seu doutorado. no Departamento de Literatura da UC Santa Cruz.

Atualizado em setembro de 2009

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Why the Japanese American Press Matters, Then and Now
Why the Japanese American Press Matters, Then and Now

1 de Abril de 2011 • Tim Yamamura

During the first major wave of Japanese migration to the United States, roughly 1880-1924, the Issei found themselves in an unfamiliar, often times hostile world. They were actually a diverse group of people, stemming from regions throughout the Japanese archipelago, a country that at the time was in the midst of great change. Yet they faced a similar challenge of forging their individual futures in a new land while at the same time maintaining the connections shared. One of the …

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