Descubra Nikkei

Jill Yuzuriha

Jill Yuzuriha é estudante do último ano da Universidade de Stanford, com especialização dupla em Estudos Asiático-Americanos e Biologia. Ela é uma Yonsei e nasceu em Vancouver, Washington. Durante o verão de 2009, ela estagiou no Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center em Portland, Oregon, por meio do programa Community Research Summer Internship do Centro de Estudos Comparativos em Raça e Etnia de Stanford. Depois de se formar em Stanford, ela planeja fazer pós-graduação para se tornar optometrista.

Atualizado em dezembro de 2009

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Taken: Oregon Japanese Arrested by the FBI During World War II - Part 2
Taken: Oregon Japanese Arrested by the FBI During World War II - Part 2

17 de Fevereiro de 2010 • Jill Yuzuriha

>> Part 1DataEach of the interviews conducted so far have been with Nisei, or second generation Japanese Americans, who grew up in Oregon and were the children of men who were arrested by the FBI following the December, 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor.  All of the interviewees cited changes in their world views and in their families due to the internment experience, of which the early arrests of their fathers were a significant part. One interviewee, who grew up in …

Thumbnail for Taken: Oregon Japanese Arrested by the FBI During World War II - Part 1
Taken: Oregon Japanese Arrested by the FBI During World War II - Part 1

10 de Fevereiro de 2010 • Jill Yuzuriha

IntroductionImagine that you are sixteen years old. It is a Sunday evening, and you are relaxing with your family after dinner. Suddenly, there is a knock at the front door. Two FBI agents are standing erect, demanding to see your father. They take him into custody before you have a chance to alert your mother, who happens to be taking a bath and so is unaware of your father’s arrest. Confused, you ask the FBI agents when you can expect …

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