Descubra Nikkei

Reflexões de um Yonsei...

5 de Janeiro de 2007 - 31 de Março de 2016

Vicky Murakami-Tsuda é Gerente de Comunicações do Museu Nacional Japonês Americano. Ela é uma “auto-denominada” yonsei do Sul da Califórnia que vem de uma grande família estendida, que adora trabalhar no JANM (especialmente no Descubra Nikkei), curtir boa culinária, passar o tempo com a família, visitar o Facebook, ler, e numa época que ela tinha mais tempo e energia ainda era uma artista que explorava a cultura e a história nipo-americanas através dos seus trabalhos artísticos. Esta coluna inclui diversas reflexões sobre a sua vida e o mundo ao seu redor.

Stories from this series

Thumbnail for on Where the Trees Take Me
on Where the Trees Take Me

25 de Abril de 2008 • Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

I'm a city girl...actually, more of a suburbanite. I need certain comforts around me—clean toilets, a shower, comfortable and warm place to sleep, etc. My pale skin proves that I don’t spend a lot of time outdoors. Yet, this year seems to be drawing me out of my normal habits, enticing me with new opportunities to get out in the sun. In March, I joined my fellow Discover Nikkei co-workers for a hanami to see the sakura (Japanese cherry blossom) …

Thumbnail for on How I Was Transported by Redress
on How I Was Transported by Redress

22 de Fevereiro de 2008 • Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

My first car was a Toyota Tercel—frosted mint (a pale whitish-green color), two doors, and fairly bare-boned. It didn’t have power windows or doors, but it was all mine. Practical and functional, I had it for ten years before I traded it in for a Toyota Matrix. I rarely had any problems with it...dependable, it took me where I needed to go. My parents purchased it for me using part of my father’s reparations money*. The reason why they purchased …

Thumbnail for on Connections
on Connections

20 de Dezembro de 2007 • Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

2007 was a year of change, revelations, and connections. I began the year writing the first in this column series about new beginnings and opportunities. My husband and I settled into our new home, we vacationed in New England for the first time (and ate a LOT of lobster!), and I started a family website to keep in touch with relatives throughout the year. At work, I was involved in many exciting projects that reinforced for me why after over …

Thumbnail for on returning to my JA bowling roots
on returning to my JA bowling roots

17 de Outubro de 2007 • Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

Today, basketball and golf are the sports of choice in Japanese American communities, at least it seems to be in Southern California. However, back in the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s, JA bowling leagues were all the rage. In it’s heyday, you almost had to be on a waiting list to join a team. Leagues were often scheduled back-to-back on the same night. In 2000, the Japanese American National Museum had an exhibition called More Than a Game: Sport in the …

Thumbnail for on Southern California Obon Festivals
on Southern California Obon Festivals

9 de Agosto de 2007 • Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

I feel very fortunate to live in an area that has so many Obon festivals that are relatively accessible if you’re willing to drive. There are three in the Little Tokyo area alone. In addition, I’ve attended or have heard of others at Gardena Buddhist Church, San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, Senshin Buddhist Temple, Pasadena Buddhist Church, Oxnard Buddhist Temple, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, West Covina Buddhist Temple, West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple, and Orange County Buddhist Church. I …

Thumbnail for on Unearthing My Family's Values
on Unearthing My Family's Values

13 de Junho de 2007 • Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

This Father’s Day my sister and I will be bringing my father to the Japanese American National Museum for the opening of the Landscaping America: Beyond the Japanese Garden exhibition. I am always excited by new exhibitions at the Museum. As someone who works with the project teams to create web components, I get to learn a lot of new and really interesting facts and stories, and then share them with the world. This exhibition captures a very personal interest, …

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Author in This Series

Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda é Gerente de Produção de Comunicações do Museu Nacional Japonês Americano. Ela adora trabalhar no Descubra Nikkei porque o projeto lhe dá a oportunidade de aprender inúmeras histórias novas e interessantes, como também de se conectar com pessoas de todo o mundo com interesses similares.

Ela é uma “autodenominada” yonsei do sul da Califórnia que vem de uma família grande. Há muito tempo atrás (quando ela tinha mais tempo livre e energia), ela também era uma artista que explorava a cultura e história nipo-americana através da sua arte. Quando não está trabalhando, ela gosta de comer, torcer pelo seu adorado [time de baseball] Dodgers, jogar boliche, ler, jogar games no seu telefone (quem gosta de jogar Wordl?), e maratonar filmes e programas de TV.

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