Oshogatsu in Little Tokyo

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Community Event

Ene 20101
11:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Little Tokyo, Los Angeles
Weller Court & Japanese Village Plaza
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California (JCCSC) and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce Foundation present the 2010 Oshogatsu in Little Tokyo.

Friday, Janaury 1, 2010, from 11AM to 4PM, visit Little Tokyo for a day-long celebration of the new year including Taiko drumming, Japanese folk performances, kite making, mochi giveaways, a swordsmanship show, and much more! The opening ceremony will be at Weller Court, with additional performances and demonstrations at Japanese Village Plaza.

For flyer with details about parking and event locations see http://wiki.ltsc.org/images/c/c1/Oshogatsuflyer_2010.gif

Source: http://blog.littletokyounplugged.org/2009/12/oshogatsu-in-little-tokyo-2010-japanese.html


julia_murakami . Última actualización Jul 09, 2010 12:13 p.m.


enero 2010


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