Oregon Nikkei Endowment Annual Banquet

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Community Event

Jul 201031

Multnomah Athletic Club
1849 SW Salmon St
Portland, Oregon, 97204
United States

Oregon Nikkei Endowment Annual Banquet
Saturday, July 31, 2010, begins at 5pm
at the Multnomah Athletic Club

The 20th anniversary celebration continues on July 31st as Oregon Nikkei Endowment holds its annual banquet at Multnomah Athletic Club with keynote speaker Irene Hirano Inouye, who is President of the newly created U.S.-Japan Council which seeks to enhance relations between the United States and Japan through people-to-people connections. Irene is the former President and founding CEO of the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles where she served until 2008, and is the wife of Senator Daniel Inouye.

This year's banquet honorees are Eleanor Davis, Dr. Harold Onishi, and the original board of directors of Oregon Nikkei Endowment: Joe Wahl, Henry Sakamoto, Miyuki Yasui, Judy Murase, the late Robert Murase, the late Bill Naito, Lury Sato, the late Dr. Matt Masuoka, James Tsujimura, Scott Sakamoto, and Jean Matsumoto.

Activities will include a raffle, desserts auction, and wine pull.

Tickets are currently on sale through the Oregon Nikkei Endowment online gift shop . Tickets are $125 ($50 tax-deductible). RSVP by Wednesday, July 14, 2010.

As a major fundraising event to support O.N.E. programs, which include the Japanese American Historical Plaza and Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center, we invite everyone to make their reservations early. To reserve a spot or for more information, please contact Oregon Nikkei Endowment.


Oregon_Nikkei . Última actualización Jul 09, 2010 12:14 p.m.


julio 2010


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