35th Annual Nikkei Matsuri San Jose Japantown

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Community Event

Abr 201229
9:30a.m. - 4:00p.m.

San Jose Japantown
Jackson Street
Between 4th and 6th Street
San Jose, California, 95112
United States

April 29, 2012, Sunday
35th Annual Nikkei Matsuri in San Jose Japantown.
Located in the heart of San Jose Japantown (Jackson Street between 4th and 6th streets).
9:30 am - 4:00 pm

The sound of taiko drums!  The smells of delicious food!  Join the entire community to celebrate Japanese American culture and heritage at this day long festival for all ages.  Enjoy a full day of authentic Japanese food, performing arts on two stages, cultural exhibits and arts & crafts from vendors throughout the West Coast and Hawaii. Other Activities include Japantown Farmer's Market, Health Fair (hosted by Yu Ai Kai), Kodomo No Hi (Children's Day at the Japanese American Museum of San Jose) and children's crafts at Wesley Methodist Church (hosted by Suzume No Gakko).

See:  www.nikkeimatsuri.org   for the most recent festival information.
Find us on Facebook for late breaking news!


pamyoshida . Última actualización Mar 17, 2012 10:42 a.m.


abril 2012


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