Japanese American Association of New York: "Year End Keiro Kai"

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Community Event

Dic 201312

Japanese American Association of New York
15 W 44th Street
New York, New York, 10036
United States

From the Japanese American Association of New York's website:

Last Keiro Kai of 2013 will serve “Toshikoshi Soba and Osechi” (Japanese New Year delicacy). Rakugo master KOKONTEI KIKUSHIN will perform Rakugo. And please enjoy JAA Chorus and Karaoke singing with the K. Iwaki Band.

$5/JAA Senior members, $8/non- member. (over 65 yrs.) Please make your reservation for lunch, lunch delivery /or consultation at JAA.


APA_Institute . Última actualización Dic 10, 2013 7:19 a.m.


diciembre 2013


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