Return to Heart Mountain: A Celebration of Japanese American Baseball

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Community Event

Oct 201426

Japanese American Museum of San Jose
535 North Fifth street
San Jose, California, 95112
United States

The Japanese American Museum of San Jose 
the Nisei Baseball Research Project  
are partnering to bring you a JA baseball reunion!

It's the bottom of the ninth, two outs, and a three-two count for Yonsei Gosei. It's this generation's last chance to see the "living treasures" that paved the way for future JA athletes to step up to the plate and become successful. These Nisei all-star legends played at major-league level inside America's concentration camps during WWII. Come hear the stories and recollections of this "greatest generation" first-hand before time steals them away.

Join the Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) and Nisei Baseball Research Project (NBRP) as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the famous series of games between the Gila River and Heart Mountain ball clubs. Special guests of honor include former ballplayers who will share stories of their experience.  JA baseball historians Kerry Yo Nakagawa, Bill Staples Jr., and Ralph Pearce will be on hand to talk about how these special guests, as well as many other players, built the Japanese American baseball legacy.  Our 1:00 p.m. program will be preceded by an informal social gathering starting at noon (details to be announced later).  Stay tuned for more information.

Please join us on Sunday, October 26, 2014, for this once-in-a-lifetime anniversary recognition and celebration of Japanese American baseball

Cost: Free with admission to the museum (nonmembers, $5; students and seniors over age 65, $3; JAMsj members and children under 12, free). 

Contact to reserve a spot. 


JAMsj . Última actualización Sep 08, 2014 4:59 p.m.


octubre 2014


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