API Leaders Potluck

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Community Event

Ene 201628

Oakland Asian Cultural Center
388 Ninth St. Suite 290
Oakland, California, 94607
United States


We at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center are hungry. We are hungry for action, change, vibrant communities, and thriving healthy families. We are also hungry for your homemade dumplings, your family's special adobo, your signature party dish, your famous chocoalte chip cookies. 

OACC hopes you will join us in this special event to share with each other our favorite foods and boldest ideas for how we as non profit organizations and community leaders can collectively satiate the needs in our communities. We ask that you each bring a dish that you feel connected to (e.g. a family recipe, the thing you're proudest to make, something that symbolizes home, etc.) and come prepared to meet and mingle with folks as passionate and dedicated as you!

Please feel free to foward this invitation to anyone you think would want to take part in this dinner and dialogue!




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oaklandoacc . Última actualización Dic 12, 2015 12:13 p.m.


enero 2016


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