Descubra a los Nikkei

Bob Moriguchi


Bob Moriguchi, farmacéutico jubilado, es docente voluntario en el Museo Nacional Japonés Americano, ubicado en Little Tokyo en Los Ángeles, durante los últimos 10 años. Él cree firmemente que todos, especialmente la generación estadounidense de origen japonés más joven, deberían conocer las luchas contra la discriminación y el racismo que los primeros issei y nisei tuvieron que soportar y superar. Todos también deberían conocer su historia familiar. Bob ha terminado recientemente un libro sobre su historia familiar y la historia de su vida, para transmitirlo a sus familiares más jóvenes y amigos cercanos.

Actualizado en junio de 2008

Historias de Este Autor

Thumbnail for Patsy Takemoto Mink and Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments
Patsy Takemoto Mink and Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments

19 de octubre de 2012 • Bob Moriguchi

2012 is the 40th anniversary of the passage of Title IX in 1972 giving women equal opportunity in education and sports in most colleges and universities. There have been numerous articles recently written about the successes of women athletes because of Title IX. However, nothing has been noted about the fight for this civil and gender rights. One woman who fought doggedly and passionately advocating women’s issues in Congress, including gender rights was PATSY TAKEMOTO MINK (1927-2002). She garnered critical …

Thumbnail for The Story of Ibo no Ito Somen
The Story of Ibo no Ito Somen

6 de junio de 2008 • Bob Moriguchi

In the recent May advertising newsletter received from Marukai, the Japanese supermarket chain in Southern California, there was a full page ad for Ibo No Ito Somen, titled, “Japan’s Best Selling Somen for 120 years.” It further explained what it is, what it is made of, how it is made, and why it is so good. Why it caught my eye is the fact that Ibo No Ito Somen was originated by my great-grandfather, Shohachi Moriguchi (1827-1914), and was instrumental …

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