Descubra a los Nikkei

Mai Tanaka

Mai Tanaka es una yonsei que nació y creció en Los Ángeles. La historia de la encarcelación de la familia de Mai, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, despertó su interés por la interconexión entre la política, la cultura y el activismo. Mai posee un Bachiller en Artes en Estudios Internacionales con enfoque en Ciencias Políticas y Estudios Japoneses. Ella ha estado fuera del país investigando y estudiando en Japón.

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Historias de Este Autor

Thumbnail for <em>Hafu</em>: A documentary film about hafus by hafus
Hafu: A documentary film about hafus by hafus

30 de abril de 2013 • Mai Tanaka

The documentary examines multiracial and multicultural narratives in modern Japan. In a country often perceived and proclaimed to be racially and culturally homogeneous, shifting demographics in Japan are challenging what it means to be “Japanese.” International marriages have steadily risen over the years in Japan and 1 in 49 babies are now born to mixed-race parents. Hafu: the mixed race experience in Japan is a documentary that investigateswhat it means to be multiracial and multicultural in a society where common beliefs …

Thumbnail for The Girl with Hair like the Sun: An interview with author, Claire Mix
Tienda en línea del Museo Nacional Japonés Americano
The Girl with Hair like the Sun: An interview with author, Claire Mix

10 de octubre de 2012 • Mai Tanaka

Claire Mix will never forget the day she first learned of the harsh realities that Japanese Americans faced during World War II and the role that her mother played in that dark period of United States’ history. Claire was exposed to this part of history by two people she held in the highest regard—her mother, Ruth Mix and actor, George Takei, best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu on the “Star Trek” series. At thirteen-years old, Claire—a science fiction …

Thumbnail for Leyendo entre los dobleces: Una entrevista con la voluntaria del JANM Ruthie Kitagawa
Leyendo entre los dobleces: Una entrevista con la voluntaria del JANM Ruthie Kitagawa

12 de julio de 2012 • Mai Tanaka

Ruthie Kitagawa, la actual instructora de origami y voluntaria del Japanese American National Museum (Museo Nacional Japonés Americano) desde la apertura del museo, ha sido miembro activa en la comunidad por más de dos décadas. Y como muchos voluntarios del JANM, las historias personales y familiares de Ruthie son las que la trajeron al museo. Su amor por la familia y todo lo que involucre las artes y manualidades son inspiraciones permanentes para Ruthie, y cuentan una historia de por …

Thumbnail for <em>Mountains That Take Wing: Angela Davis &amp; Yuri Kochiyama</em>—An Insightful Documentary on the Strength &amp; Passion of Two Women
Mountains That Take Wing: Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama—An Insightful Documentary on the Strength & Passion of Two Women

24 de enero de 2012 • Mai Tanaka

C.A. Griffith and H.T.L. Quan’s inspiring documentary, Mountains That Take Wing—Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama (2010), is a rewarding journey through history with Angela Davis, political activist and distinguished scholar, and Yuri Kochiyama, activist, civil and human rights advocate, and 2005 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, as they discuss their memories and political work over their years as advocates of social justice. The conversations took place in 1996 and 2008 between the two women and dissect a myriad of topics spanning …

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