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Relationship with S.I. Hayakawa
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Past ties to present situation in Middle East
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Going back to Hawaii
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

1920 labor strike
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

Bombing of Pearl Harbor
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

Helping soldiers
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

Image of Americans
Sansei from Hawaii living in Japan. Teacher and businesswoman.

Getting citizenship back
(b.1909) Nisei from Washington. Incarcerated at Tule Lake and Minidoka during WWII. Resettled in Chicago after WWII

Growing up in Waikiki
(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i

Working at a first aid station on Oahu after December 7
(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i

Under suspicion after Pearl Harbor
(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i

Change in attitudes after World War II
(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i

Thoughts on redress
(b. 1923) Nisei from Washington. Resisted draft during WWII.
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