Discover Nikkei

Social activities in Tashme

I*: Tell me about some of the social activities in Tashme.

Tashme? Tashme, yes, I met nighttime, we used to carry our own sugar, own tea, and cup and saucer to take -- [laughs] -- and the meat. The Onos family, Kakinos family, and from Woodfibre, that's the Unos family and the Aokis and the Fukumotos. Mrs. Fukumoto taught me how to cook; most my cooking is from her, and she always... I think my brother was contact with her, and how I'm doing. She said, She's very healthy now. [Laughs]

I: And what did you do for entertainment?

Entertainment was, we had the Japanese movie with Mr. Tsuyuki, and they formed TYO, Tashme Youth Organization or something like that. And Bob was the president or something, and they had concert, and Bob, Bob Ito was there, so we had a very nice entertainment. [Laughs] Those young girls are here, too, all Kawada, they're married to a Shimada, they used to be a Hawaiian dancer or something like that. But the men itself was the younger ones there, they used to play. I don't know who made up those play. Oh yes, and we had baseball, too.

* "I" indicates an interviewer (Peter Wakayama).

British Columbia Canada Canadian internment camps imprisonment incarceration Tashme internment camp World War II World War II camps

Date: February 14, 2005

Location: Toronto, Canada

Interviewer: Peter Wakayama

Contributed by: Sedai, the Japanese Canadian Legacy Project, Japanese Canadian Cultural Center

Interviewee Bio

Nisei female. Born September 29, 1920, in Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada. Went with parents to Japan in 1930, and attended school there. Returned to Canada in 1940 and married before being removed to Hastings Park and then Tashme, in Canada's interior. After leaving Tashme, moved to Toronto, where husband worked for the consul-general's office. Adopted two children. Became involved in the Ikenobo Society, and went to Japan to study ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arranging. Involved along with husband in the establishment of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto in the 1950s. (February 15, 2005)

*The full interview is available at Denshō: The Japanese American Legacy Project.


Coming back from camp

(b. 1938) Japanese American painter & printmaker
