Discover Nikkei

Junko Yoshida

Born and raised in Tokyo, Junko Yoshida studied law at Hosei University and moved to America. After graduating from California State University, Chico, with a degree from the Department of Communication Arts & Science, she started working at the Rafu Shimpo. As an editor, she has been reporting and writing about culture, art, and entertainment within the Nikkei society in Southern California, Japan-U.S. relations, as well as political news in Los Angeles, California. 

Updated April 2018

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Part 1: A family story between Japan and the United States: In search of iron
Part 1: A family story between Japan and the United States: In search of iron

April 9, 2018 • Junko Yoshida

After 30 years of searching, he meets his cousin, who was adopted to the U.S. after the war and moved to Torrance. "What if my fates and Tetsu's had been reversed? I would have had to live my whole life never knowing about my mom and dad. When I thought about it like that, it didn't seem like something that was happening to someone else." For 30 years, Shimamura Naoko, who lives in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, has been searching …

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