Descubra a los Nikkei

Aaron Caycedo-Kimura


Aaron Caycedo-Kimura es el autor de Common Grace (Beacon Press, 2022) y Ubasute (Slapering Hol Press, 2021). Sus honores incluyen una beca MacDowell, una beca global Robert Pinsky en poesía, un premio al artista emergente en literatura de la St. Botolph Club Foundation y nominaciones para las antologías Pushcart Prize , Best of the Net y Best New Poets . Su trabajo ha aparecido o se publicará próximamente en Beloit Poetry Journal , RHINO , Plume Poetry , Poetry Daily , Shenandoah , Pirene's Fountain , Salamander , Cave Wall y otros lugares. Aaron obtuvo su maestría en escritura creativa en la Universidad de Boston.

Actualizado en enero de 2024

Historias de Este Autor

Thumbnail for The Real Lives of Origami Figures
La vida real de las figuras de origami
The Real Lives of Origami Figures

7 de mayo de 2014 • Aaron Caycedo-Kimura

It’s a thought that came to me while my wife and I were having breakfast at a diner recently—I took the paper band that held my napkin, fork, and knife together, and folded it into an origami figure. Putting it down next to my wife’s unfolded paper, I thought it looked like they were conversing.   *This cartoon was originally published on INFJoe on August 17, 2013.  

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