LTSC Shakas Fundraiser!

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Community Event

Dez 20098
6:00p.m. - 10:00p.m.

101 Main #C
Alhambra , California, 91801
United States

Dine at Shakas in Alhambra on December 8th and 15% of your dinner purchase will be donated to LTSC! Just drop your receipt into the LTSC Receipt box near the register when you dine or take out between 6pm and 9pm!

101 Main St #C
Alhambra, CA 91801

(626) 293-5520

The Little Tokyo Service Center is a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, Little Tokyo.  LTSC serves as a primary Japanese speaking social service provider, builds community oriented affordable housing projects, and strives to keep Little Tokyo a vibrant and healthy multi-ethnic neighborhood.

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MOkamoto . Atualizado em Jul 09, 2010 12:13 p.m.


Dezembro 2009


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