Sakura — Spring Renews Beauty Blooms - Cherry Blossoms Events

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Community Event

Mar 201223 Abr 201214

Japan Society
333 East 47th Street (@ 1st Ave)
New York, New York, 10017
United States

In conjunction with the New York and Washington, DC centennial celebrations of the gift of cherry trees from Japan, Japan Society will revel in what has become known to New Yorkers as a symbol of spring. This six-week-long series of programs is shaped around the many meanings and connotations of sakura , or cherry blossoms--the celebration of spring and beauty, rebirth, resilience, ephemerality and reflection on the one-year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Sakura--Spring Renews, Beauty Blooms features live performances of centuries-old kabuki dance; a 10-part film series revealing the beauty of transience (mono no aware in Japanese); a discussion with architect Rem Koolhaas; a haiku workshop; and a Japanese confections discussion and workshop. The Sakura series culminates with Japan Society’s annual j-CATION all-day culture festival—12 hours of crafts, workshops, language classes, film screenings, live concerts, and a Japanese-style game show.

Films to be screened: Cherry Blossoms, Dolls, After teh Flowers, Tabo, Hana: The Tale of a Reluctant Samuri, Under the Blossoming Cherry Trees, Abacus and Sword, Killing in Yoshiwara A.K.A. Heroes of the Red Light District, The 47 Loyal Ronin, Shinsengumi Chronicles: I want to Die a Samurai, Sakuran

For more information:


APA_Institute . Atualizado em Mar 23, 2012 10:23 a.m.


Março 2012


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