SAMOURAI in Quebec City

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Abr 20124 Jan 201327

Quebec City, Quebec
Musee de la civilization
Quebec City, Quebec, G1K 7A6


From the brochure:

"Take a capivating look inside the fabled world of these warriors, who were as fierce and formidable as they were capitivating and refined. On display for the first time in Canada, the exhibit features over 150 pieces, including 22 full sets of shining armours, three extremely rare examples of equestrian armour, and a host of amazing accessories (helmets, masks, jinbaori, weapons, stirrups, saddles). 

Also, until September 3rd, Manga Dreams: The photographic works of London artists Jonathan Anderson and Edwin Low. Larger than life creations depict the Japanese manga comic culture.

Until September 3rd, The Tohoku Region: Photo exhibit documenting the efforts to rebuild areas affected by the devastating tsunami that struck more than one year ago on March 11th. 



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Masaji . Atualizado em Ago 25, 2012 9:02 a.m.

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