2012 JCI Carnival

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Community Event

Jun 201223 Jun 201224
12:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.

Gardena Valley JCI
1964 W 162nd St
Gardena, California, 90247
United States

Join us for the annual GVJCI carnival, a two-day extravaganza held on June 23rd and 24th this year.  Beginning at noon on both Saturday and Sunday, the JCI Carnival has much to offer by way of food, games, entertainment, and cultural demonstrations.  Bring your friends and family for a guarnteed good time!  Presale carnival coupon books are now available in the JCI office. Click here to download the carnival flyer .


GVJCI . Atualizado em Mai 22, 2012 1:48 p.m.


Junho 2012


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