2014 World Taiko Gathering

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Community Event

Jul 201417 Jul 201420

Little Tokyo
Los Angeles, California, 90013
United States

TAIKOPROJECT presents the 2014 World Taiko Gathering, the first-ever convening of taiko groups from all over the world, scheduled for July 17-20, 2014. Presented by TAIKOPROJECT in association with the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, the Japanese American National Museum, and the Southern California Taiko Community, the 2014 World Taiko Gathering is expected to bring together over 500 participants from taiko groups throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia. Activities will include three days of workshops, discussion sessions, taiko performances, and community-building activities.

For more detail: http://worldtaikogathering.com/



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TAIKOPROJECT . Atualizado em Mar 12, 2014 3:44 p.m.

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